Author Archives: akenner
Earth Day
Each person conserving energy Always clean Recycling trash Together we can help our planet Helping the homeless Doing whats right Always care for producers You should love EARTH DAY!!
Child Labor
I learned that children had to work 12-14 hour’s a day.That’s just as long as my dad works.Most of the children got low pay most of the boys did not get to go to school.But the girls did and the reason the boys did not get to go to school is because their dad needed them to help him work the farm or something like that.
Supreme Court Justice
Supreme Court Justice of the United States is the highest federal court of the United States.It can also hear certain “appeals” from state high appellate courts that involve a “federal question,” such as an issue involving a federal satue or arising under the Constitution of the United States.These are currently 9 justices on the supreme court:one chief and eight associate justices.The number of justices is set by congress and the actual justices are nominated by the president.Ironically there are no requirements given in the constitution for becoming a Supreme Court Justice.No age, experience, or citizenship rules exist.In fact, a supreme court justice does not need to even have a law degree.
National Monument
President poster
Amendment Nine
Article that’s important to the united states. Made and written by James Madison. Everything on Amendment Nine is important. National and known around the world. Draft that told people they had the right to vote. Made by James Madison. Each line was written in cursive by James Madison. Never try to steal it. Told us about rights. Not always able to read. It always has been important.
American Revolution : War Strategies
Martin Luther King
American Flag
I think Betsy Ross created the nations first flag because in the book Betsy Ross it said she could cut a perfect five pointed star with one snip of her scissors,and that she could make any flag.But at the end of the story they show a five pointed star.So in my opinion Betsy Ross has more evidence that she created the flag.That is why I believe Betsy Ross created the nation’s first flag.